
Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Out of the haze of drugs, a day of optimism

A very pleasant afternoon writing, playing an iTunes playlist with 88 songs on it and vowing to stick with it at least until I hear the first song repeat. There may be a glass of wine toward the end of it. I've been working on this daily now, and today I came across something that raised some emotion. For everything this girl goes through, the drugs, the overdoses, the life on the street, the men, everything often sounds so tragic and depressing. But today I worked on this conversation, where for a short period of time she was very optimistic. She was in a group home for troubled street women and between me and the people in the home, we got her to try for her GED. She didn't do well the first time and was very depressed about it. But then a woman counselor came to the home and helped her study for another try. This conversation happened during the first week's study sessions:
(once again forgive the typos and misspellings and grammar, but that is how the relationship unfolded)

Bet Cee: ya...only the first week
Bet Cee: lol
Bet Cee: i duno
Bet Cee: there have been a lot of changes in a week
Bet Cee: like.. a change in direction kinda
Bet Cee: duno...what it is..but its good
whaleman11: that is the best paert of it
whaleman11: you have resisted other changes
whaleman11: so happy to see you embrace this one
Bet Cee: ya its like..
Bet Cee: you do this and this and this and that will happen..
Bet Cee: like a clear path..
Bet Cee: and this lady explains things real good
Bet Cee: like why we are doing something
whaleman11: yup witha  clear goal
Bet Cee: or why we are talking abotu something
Bet Cee: and like what a ged will do for me
Bet Cee: and what it means i can do
whaleman11: stuff i tried to tell you but didn't do it very well
Bet Cee: lol...its like the same stuff you were saying
Bet Cee: but like...
Bet Cee: someone here is like opening the door..
Bet Cee: i dont have to like explain myself
whaleman11: yes
Bet Cee: and ask questions to get there...
Bet Cee: but its different
Bet Cee: im rambling
Bet Cee: im just excited...
whaleman11: yes i can tell
whaleman11: itis charming
whaleman11: i love seing you like this
Bet Cee: you called me charming? lol
whaleman11: lol  i said your actions are charming
whaleman11: not sure about you yet  lol
Bet Cee: hmmm...ill have to show you how charming i can be
Bet Cee: lol
Bet Cee: i like beigng in a good mood
whaleman11: you being in a good mood helps me be in one too
Bet Cee: awesome!
whaleman11: :-)
Bet Cee: im in a real good mood
Bet Cee: and i even had a good breakfast with psycho
whaleman11: things start to mushroom
whaleman11: one leads to another
Bet Cee: what does that mean?
whaleman11: it means heappiness spreads
whaleman11: themushroom is biggerand spread out  at the top than at the bottom
Bet Cee: ya totally!!
Bet Cee: :-)
whaleman11: but don't eat the mushroom lol
Bet Cee: O :-)
Bet Cee: no more drugs...
whaleman11: for sure
Bet Cee: do do dooo do do doo do
whaleman11: and the colored girl said  doot dah doooo
Bet Cee:  :-)
whaleman11: i bought that song after that day i told it to you, Lou Reed, "Walk on the Wild Side"
Bet Cee: nice
Bet Cee: :-)
Bet Cee: hehehe
Bet Cee: i wanna talk talk talk talk talk
Bet Cee: ill talk your ear off
Bet Cee: which is supposed to be a friendly HI
Bet Cee: not a threatening thing
Bet Cee: im on cloud nine
Bet Cee: i dont have much to say
Bet Cee: just talk talk talk talk
Bet Cee: :-)
whaleman11: i know you are a and that's ok   you are doing judt great
Bet Cee: thanks PETER!!!!!!!!!!!
whaleman11: :-)
Bet Cee: but if the firs time in a long time
Bet Cee: feel really taken care of

There was such promise at that point.

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