
Wednesday, July 6, 2016


I have been taking a break from this while other things took on some priority during the summer, but it's time to pick it up again, so reading through what is done, trying to get a handle on what has happened and what is going to happen. I thought this particular chapter was very telling and so I am posting it here with links to others on the blog. The basic story is this, an internet relationship between a lonely old man and an 18-year-old, meth-addicted runaway, sometimes prostitute.

bet C bball: omg i got handcuffed las night
bet C bball: an the guy wanted to take me to jaol,  firs time that efver hppned
whaleman: whatr happened????
bet C bball: just needed some cash for some crack
bet C bball: didnt realy know the area i was in
bet C bball: got caught talking to a guy at like 2am
bet C bball: cop was kinda mean
bet C bball: oh well...
bet C bball: i think i was pretty high
whaleman: talking about hookingup?
bet C bball: ya
whaleman: and what did the cop do?
bet C bball: told the guy to get out...
bet C bball: which is usually a sign that theyd let me off oto...
whaleman: yeah they always protect the guy
bet C bball: wtf is up with that?
whaleman: well until recently the guy wasn't doing a crime
whaleman: or at least that wasn't enforced
whaleman: more so now
bet C bball: oh i didnt know that!
whaleman: they even have stings
whaleman: cops wil put an ad on something like craigslist
whaleman: and when the guy shows up at their hotel room they bust him
whaleman: they had one in this little twon about a year or so ago
bet C bball: wow interesting...
whaleman: yeah and words gets out and that scares others away from the trade
bet C bball: hmm...
bet C bball: anyway
bet C bball: thast the only time ive ever been cuffed
whaleman: oh he did put the cuffs on you.  did he take you anywhere? or just the lecture?
bet C bball: just a lecture
bet C bball: a really really really really long wait
bet C bball: and a lecture
whaleman: make you think about things they hope/  but they also know it doesn't work with most people
bet C bball: ohh
bet C bball: and he went through my shit
bet C bball: most of them do that anyway though..
bet C bball: stupid
whaleman: well good thing he did BEFORE you scored
bet C bball: kidding
bet C bball: thatd been a big deal
bet C bball: i think i spent the whole car wait cursing him
whaleman: out loud?
bet C bball: no...
whaleman: how did yhou react to being picked up
bet C bball: you be polite apologetic and confused
bet C bball: totally niave :)
whaleman: good plan i think
bet C bball: oh thats easy
whaleman: less likely on a Buffalo street corner at 2 a.m. I bet
bet C bball: ya
bet C bball: not nasty dont argu and not fight back
bet C bball: you react like you asked the cop for help..
bet C bball: like  you know he's coming over to give you a hand...
bet C bball: like 'oh gosh thank goodness you stopped im scared!'
whaleman: did that work           
bet C bball: ya
bet C bball: sort of
bet C bball: he let me go,  but he sadi if he sw me there again he'd run me in
bet C bball: told em to get out of the ngbrohood
whaleman: whew, huh?
bet C bball: ya but
bet C bball: never did score so kinda bad night all ruond
whaleman: at least you'r not in jail
bet C bball: yay not. this is not awesome
bet C bball: i gtg  bye

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