
Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Tomorrow will be kinder

(This is an update of an item posted originally March 23.)
Ever had a day when everything you touch seems to go wrong somehow? The climactic event for me yesterday came when the little sled I use to haul firewood to and from the piles under the house got away from me and slid down the hill. I gave up in disgust and went indoors to pour a glass of the expensive single malt I had purchased on a trip out earlier in the day.
     Today dawned in a better place. I went about the usual chores of wood and water and sweeping and such, all the time aware at some time I was going to have to go down the hill for that sled.
In time I did. And I understood if I had gone and retrieved it right away I could have avoided the torment.    
      You see, it went only about 50 feet until the tow rope snagged on a single thin twig standing up through the snow. If that twig hadn't caught the sled it would have gone at least another hundred yards into snow so deep I would have had to snowshoe to grab it. And fortunately the sled was empty or it surely would have bent the twig and possibly shed chunks of firewood along the way careening down the hill.
      Lots of conclusions could be drawn here, feel free to apply your own. Or, just chalk it up to a matter of course for life on a hillside.

ABOUT THAT PHOTO: The surveyors' tape marks the saving twig so I can remember. You can see the track whre the sled stopped and to the right, the hill it would have gone down

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