
Tuesday, May 16, 2017

The noose is slowly tightening

A whole lot of us have almost been something of an old-time lynch mob, yelling for impeachment, criticizing the president's every move, not that it's not deserved, doing anything we can to raise the flag to get rid of the criminal. Perhaps at this point it is time to take a step back and let the drama play out.
     Last night (May 15) Rachel Maddow posted a graphic showing nine separate investigations under way looking into the serious charges that have come up regarding the administration. A couple of them are maybes at this point but that leaves at least seven active investigations going on at this moment.
     Legal investigations take time. Rushing to judgment at this point before they are complete could have a detrimental effect on the outcome most of us want. The process needs to be methodical, unemotional, nailing down every eventuality because the danger exists if any opening is left, Trump could walk through it and remain in office.
To remove a president is going to take, if you will forgive a cliche (or two or three), every i dotted, every t crossed, no stone left unturned. Before any legal charges are leveled the case for removal must be absolutely solid and that is going to take some time.
     Of course that interim is going to leave the door open for that serious mistake we think this man is capable of, where one of his tantrums ends with a big red button. We can only hope if it gets there, calmer heads will prevail.
     The point is let's not do things in a rush that could leave an opening. Let's take it through due process with methodical certitude. Leave no way out. Chances are as with Nixon the noose will tighten enough during the investigations with their inevitable revelations that the man will see no way out and quit before he ends up in court, impeached before the Senate, and/or sent to prison.
     It doesn't end with him, either. There is Pence who is almost as dangerous, Republican leadership in Congress and all the work to undo the damage already done. Also we have to keep pressure on the investigators; make sure they are doing their jobs and the efforts progress at a reasonable pace.
    The press has awakened and is doing its job now and as former President Carter pointed out the other day: In every instance where the press and government have come into conflict, the press has been right. Let's hope that continues, too.
     Trump is too much of a threat to our country and our very way of life to be allowed to escape and somehow remain in office.

     Of course there's always another point of view. This from my daughter on Twitter:

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