
Monday, August 21, 2017

Disaster house revisited

It took some yellow machinery, here demolishing a storage shed, to attack the yard.
The tops of those cabinets
were covered with liquor

The lighting makes the floor look pretty good, but actually it
is filthy and will take a lot of work, but we think saveable.

The professionals have come and gone. They cleared out 18 truckloads of trash from the house and yard in two and a half days. Plus the 1-800-Got-Junk people came in under their estimate, saving my friend something like $1,600.
     A lot remains to do, mostly cleaning and getting rid of the odor that permeates the   house. The walls have to be scrubbed, a bunch of small holes spackled and a couple of big ones in the drywall patched. Then we start painting. All of the carpeting has to be torn out and replaced.
     Most of the doors have some damage and several will have to be replaced. We think the electrical problem has been taken care of but there might be a plumbing problem and we haven't tested the furnace yet.
The yard after all the trash had been removed.
     The point is while the trash is gone, it's still a big job and it's going to either take a long time or cost a lot of money.
     Stay tuned, we might just have a big cleaning and painting party one of these weekends.


  1. "It's going to either take a long time or cost a lot of money." Or both! She's lucky to have a friend like you, and like all who are helping. It also savages your mental and emotional health, especially if it's a house you've lived in and care about. I send her good wishes, and many thanks for all of her friends who are volunteering.

  2. Too bad Will didn't get a chance to see the backhoe at work.. he would have been really jazzed.
