
Monday, August 28, 2017


There's a cow pasture right on the edge of town; actually within the city limits. Twice a year, usually, sandhill cranes stop by there for a couple of days during their annual migrations. This year has been a little different. Very few showed up in the spring and sporadically rather than in a large group. I've seen as many as maybe 100 at a time other years. The fall migration seemed to be going the same way. I'd seen them overhead but not on the ground. Then yesterday on a whim I put the camera in the truck and went to look. Sure enough, maybe a dozen working their ways around the pasture and for a time close to the road. There was good cover
Do you think it's safe?
between me and them so I could get right next to the fence without spooking them. All set up and ready to shoot and what happens? Photobomb. Thanks, cow.
They did allow me a few nice ones too. I call this one "The Lookout."
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