
Monday, June 4, 2018

Musings from the interweb

I haven't done this in a couple of years but today it looked like fun, so here goes, A roundup of interesting tidbits gleaned from social media along with some random comments of my own.
First of all that Meadow Lakes snake who got loose in Alaska a year ago, today tweeted a photo of a new part to be used in an emergency but doubtful you could find one in the winter when it would be needed. For those of you who don't recognize what's going on, that's a snake wrapped around the pulleys for the belt that powers a snowmachine.  Snakes on the tundra   @meadowlakesnake on Twitter.

 A kid in Kentucky giving his high school valedictory speech attributed this quote to Donald Trump: "Don't just get involved. Fight for your seat at the table. Better yet, fight for a seat at the head of the table." The crowd cheered. Then he said, "just kidding," and revealed it was a quote from Barack Obama. The crowd went silent and there were even a few boos. Racist much?
And while we're in Kentucky, one of the products targeted by Canada's retaliation for Trump's tariffs and aimed specifically at powerful supporters of Trump, was, well, Kentucky bourbon. Wonder who that's aimed at. They also went after cucumbers, a large crop in Paul Ryan's district in Wisconsin along with lawnmowers which sounds strange until you realize Toro industries, one of the world's largest manufacturers of such machines is headquartered in Wisconsin. Twofer: Ryan and that governor, Scott Walker.
NASA's planet-hunting TESS satellite sent back its first image, a swatch of the sky that includes more than 200,000 stars. NASA photo
It seems to me in order to be pardoned one first has to commit a crime, be tried and convicted and sentenced. Does that mean an assertion of the ability to pardon oneself is a declaration of guilt? Asking for a friend.
Amidst the low level of outrage over discovering almost 5,000 people died in THE US TERRITORY of Puerto Rico during the hurricane last fall, Elon Musk pointed out Tesla has "about 11,000 energy projects" going on there.
Firefighters are attacking a wildfire not too far from the East Pole today. It's 40 miles northeast of
Talkeetna. The cabin at the Pole is 12 miles due east of town. Keeping an eye on that one.  The fire had burned only about 3-5 acres when discovered but was threatening a hunting lodge and two cabins.
The Super Bowl-winning Philadelphia Eagles were uninvited by the White House for the usual presidential ceremony because "some members refused to attend." It was noted none of the Eagles ever took a knee for the national anthem last season.
It seems like everybody in Alaska except me has a picture like this one of what's going on in their yards. Taken by Carol Hushower in Palmer. (moose pic)

This is the kind of help-wanted ad you find in Alaska:
Dogsledding company in Kiruna – Sweden is looking for one more handler, saison 2018/2019. Starts October 2018 ends April 2019.

Becky Hammon reportedly is the first woman to interview for the head coaching job with a National Basketball Association team — San Antonio Spurs. For the record she played on two WBA teams and has been an assistant coach in San Antonio for the past four years.

Bill Gates says he should be taxed at a higher rate.

Gun violence is a women's issue, too. 

For the second month in a row, the state of Alaska collected a million dollars in marijuana sales taxes.

This was my favorite meme of the week. (so far :)

And this from Prince William Sound Science Center. Nice to see some happy kids."Our first camp of the summer was so much fun. Six adventure girls took on Cordova to learn about rainforests, glaciers, the ocean, wetlands, and how everything is connected, We learned a lot, played even more, and had the most incredible time. Did you know flubber is a great way to explore how glaciers move?

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