
Saturday, November 3, 2018

A memo to the young voters of Alaska

This is Anthony Borges. He saved
the lives of 20 of his Parkland
classmates. He used his body
to keep the shooter from coming 

in to kill them. He was shot five
times Feb. 14 during the school 

massacre. The photo on the
cover of New York magazine by
Avedon features him shirtless with 
his surgical scars exposed  and wearing 
a colostomy bag.
     All along through this election cycle I've been wondering how the pollsters are including the young
people who have registered to vote at the urging of the March for our Lives kids, the survivors of the shootings at the school in Parkland, Florida, last Valentine's Day.
     The impression the pollsters give is that they are using traditional samples and haven't really considered the youth movement except as a minor portion of the main sampling groups. With so many polls showing close races including several in Alaska, that means the youth vote may make the difference.
    Today I read the 18-29 demograph members have registered and intend to vote in record numbers. Take for example the more than 100,000 who registered to vote after Tayler Swift posted on Instagram urging them to do so. Aryanna Grande put up the same numbers among her fans as well.
   I keep thinking in terms of Alaska young people. There was some movement early but the media here has let it drop and little has been written or broadcast about this group of potential voters since last Spring's demonstrations.
    Perhaps the kids have lost interest, or are just quiet or like a lot of things that happen Outside it just doesn't relate here.
   First of all, a school shooting can happen here and in fact one did even before Columbine and  Newton, let alone Parkland. Alaska students should be aware they face the same dangers as others. It was just the other day a threat was reported at UAA and a suspect arrested. The actual shooting occured at the school in Bethel some years ago. See the link at the bottom to an excellent article by former Anchorage Daily News reporter Lisa Demer about it.
     Next and most important to voters here, especially youth is Don Young who has been Alaska's only member of the U.S. House of Representatives since 1973 and supporter of the National Rifle Association and its efforts to block any kind of gun control that might be the first step in preventing mass shootimgs. He also has received thousands of dollars over the years from the NRA aimed at keeping his vote in Congress on the organization's side of the issue. There are a number of reasons not to vote for Don Young, but as young people maybe the biggest one us you should be able to attend school or any other activity without fear. Don Young is one of the people who is supporting that level of fear and a vote for his opponent would be a step toward removing his vote.
    So, remember the sorrow and grief and anger you felt in February and carry it to the polls Tuesday. With your votes we can finally retire this dinosaur and send someone to Washington who will advocate for people instead of gunslinging crazies and in the process make schools safer for you and for your own children some day.

And if you are still not convinced that it affects you too, read this.
Before Columbine and Newton there was Bethel Alaska

#walkout to vote

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