
Thursday, November 1, 2018

Is Giuliani laying groundwork for Trump family escape

     Here's a conspiracy theory to end all conspiracy theories. Today news websites reported two
seemingly unrelated stories. Both involve unknowns. The first is one I have wondered about over the last couple of weeks, Rudy Giuliani has all but dropped out of sight. At one time the visible mouthpiece for the #fakepresident on a daily, sometimes hourly, basis spoke for the administration, then all of a sudden it seemed he had disappeared.
   The second I hadn't realized but once exposed I could think back and say oh, yeah, Since around the first of September the #fakepresident has dropped his constant whining about the "witch hunt" as he terms the Mueller investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election, the one that gave us the #fakepresident.
   The first has been exposed. Giuliani has been making almost clandestine trips to Russia,  Ukraine and several other Russian satellites. No reason has been forthcoming from within the administration, only guesses by the pundits, about the reason for those trips.
   The general consensus for the second is mere speculation but it appears related to the special counsel's investigation. News reports without naming sources have posed the theory that Mueller is getting close to the #fakepresident to the point where he might have subpoenaed him to appear before a grand jury. This may have been enough to warn the guy that his attacks on the investigation and the investigators are working against him in the legal arena and has him afraid of the potential outcome.
    Of course it could be because he doesn't want to draw attention to the investigation as he campaigns for himself while supposedly supporting candidates in the coming election.
    Now how about this for a conspiracy theory? Suppose Giuliani is exploring sanctuary countries that would not extradite a criminal, and would offer a safe landing spot for the @fakepresident and his family if everything goes south and they have to flee the country, Perhaps he has even looking at real estate to house the refugees. Who would turn down a villa on, say, the Black Sea? What justice would that be to see that family as refugees in Ukraine or some other Russian affiliate?
     Of course that's only another wild conspiracy theory.

It's so easy anybody can do it
Giuliani's mystery trips

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