
Friday, January 31, 2020

Three years, now; where are you?

Age about 26 during an outing with rehab group.
January 31 has rolled around again, one of those dates that mark progress through the year. It's the
day I last heard from my friend Kitty after more than a decade of our online relationship. "They're here. I got to go," was all she typed at the end of our conversation that day in 2017, the last thing she ever said to me. "They" were supposedly folks from a detox center in Seattle, picking her up to go into their program. I have heard nothing since and now I'm beginning to accept the fact that I never will.
I have no idea if she is dead or alive. I knew at the time she was avoiding a dealer who had threatened her for owing him money. I know she had passed the age of 30 and was beginning to understand the onset of maturity. And, I hoped for the best as she went through another detoxification program. She had gone through another in St. Louis where she lasted a year and a half, but within days of her leaving she was back on meth and drinking heavily. Still, she managed to hold a job.
I've written a lot about her, including 800 pages I had hoped to publish as a book sometime, but life and moods and realities got in the way and the manuscript lies dormant in a file box and in the computer. Perhaps as happens in that novel, after my death someone will find it and finish it. Not likely but I would hate to see her story go untold. There are messages in it for people like her, life lessons maybe someone could avoid if he or she only knew.
Some of that book is on this blog, so I won't repeat it here, but the links below offer insight to anyone willing to read.
In the meantime I will think about her as I work my way through the day and hope she is all right. She deserves a better life than she was living.
Conversation with a young prostitute
One path to life on the street
One more theory about my missing friend Kitty
Another descent into that methamphetamine mind
Out of the haze of drugs a day of optimism
A bittersweet anniversary
There are others. If you wish to read more just search "Kitty" on the blog.

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