
Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Another descent into that methamphetamine mind

WARNING:  There are only one other posts like this that have appeared on this blog before. It is an excerpt from something I am working on and another experiment on my part. Be aware there is some rough language and drug and sex references. It's an instant-messaging internet conversation between a meth-addicted young sometimes prostitute and a lonely old man in his 60s with all the inherent typographical errors intact.
All material Copyright©Tim Jones

And the conversation resumes
whaleman: was there ever a guy you really liked or loved
whaleman: oh wait
whaleman: or woman for that matter,  someone?
BetCbball: lol
BetCbball: nice catch
whaleman: so    about being in love,  ever?
BetCbball: no
BetCbball: not then
whaleman: only your boyfriend from high school then?
BetCbball: ya
whaleman: any idea why you never did get serious with anyone
BetCbball: thinking....
BetCbball: i mean there are lots of reasons
whaleman: yeah  i would guess there are
BetCbball: not sure they are all true
whaleman: those count
whaleman: too
BetCbball: i dont trust people
whaleman: was that from the start or did it develop along the wauy?
BetCbball: my parents showed me i couldnt trust anyone
whaleman: oh  so that is where the trust issue started   that makes  a lot of sense
BetCbball: plus..when when i was floating i didnt really find anyone i connected with
whaleman: a lesson i didn't learn until my son's mother
BetCbball: lucky you
whaleman: yeah but when it caught up to me it was a real doozy
BetCbball: im sorry that happened to you peter
whaleman: it's all right
whaleman: i survived
BetCbball: ya you did
whaleman: but not unchanged
BetCbball: ya i get it
whaleman: see,  in the book, the girl falls in love with a guy
whaleman: it just showed up though, so it may end up in disaster
whaleman: and i was just wondering if something like that had happened to you
BetCbball: no
whaleman: 'i didn't think so/
BetCbball: that would have gotten me in big trouble
BetCbball: plus when you dont like yourself its hard to like other peopl

whaleman: um why do youthink falling inlove would have gotten you into big trouble
whaleman: ponder that  while i make some soup  lol
BetCbball: kk
BetCbball: err
BetCbball: like
BetCbball: i used guys for years...
BetCbball: when youre doing that youcant have a relationship
BetCbball: cuz....well frankly..
BetCbball: i wouldnt want to be with someone who was ok with that
whaleman: I was thinking it was something like that
whaleman: it's like i can't see looking for women inbars because all you meet is wome who hang out in bars
BetCbball: lol right
whaleman: i kind of look at websites and chatrooms to meet anyone
whaleman: like it's a last resort for people
BetCbball: you should
BetCbball: i don tthink its a last resort
BetCbball: i think its easier for people who are shy or dont know what to do
whaleman: or don't have the patience to go through that search the regular way
BetCbball: ya
whaleman: that girl in the book got a job at 7-11
BetCbball: thatd be a good job
whaleman: not
BetCbball: o...ok
whaleman: minimum wage, plus the owners keep people's hours below 30 a week so people can't get benefits like health insurance
whaleman: plus they are always getting robbed
BetCbball: kk
BetCbball: haha thats what helen used to dsay
BetCbball: lol
whaleman: plus in this case another clerk sells her bad dope and the boss tries to feel her up and get her to do porn videos
BetCbball: hhaah
whaleman: but it is all the money she has to support her kid so she does it
whaleman: oh
whaleman: and pay for glass
BetCbball: its always about paying for your shit first
BetCbball: everything else comes second
whaleman: yup  that's pretty much the story of life
whaleman: oh i get it, yeah
BetCbball: lol
BetCbball: ya
whaleman: she always thikns it is for other things, basics but then she robs it to get her stuff
BetCbball: what a sweetheart
BetCbball: so she doesnt actually need the job
BetCbball: cuz shes a theif
whaleman: now, this, too is a character you might not like  I think she is a sympathetic one too
whaleman: how do you get thier?
whaleman: thireef
whaleman: thief
BetCbball: you said she robs
whaleman: she steals from herself, themoney she has for diapers and such
BetCbball: oh i see
whaleman: emptied her savings account
BetCbball: ya i dont like her
whaleman: and it could turn out very bad for her
whaleman: read the GRapes of Wrath somettime
BetCbball: i did
whaleman: if you want characters yu don't like
BetCbball: i read that in high school
BetCbball: not that i remember it
BetCbball: lol
BetCbball: of mice and men was worse
whaleman: and ends badly
whaleman: yes it was
whaleman: ilove Steinbeck
BetCbball: so dry
BetCbball: actually..
whaleman: oh i don't get that at all
BetCbball: you two have similar styles in SOME points
BetCbball: not hte dry part
whaleman: i know
BetCbball: you both build up the environment a lot
whaleman: about the style
whaleman: interesting tht you would see it
BetCbball: y...
whaleman: also use a minimum of words
whaleman: Hemingway is like that too
whaleman: hemingway rule for writing
whaleman: write one good sentence
whaleman: easch time you start
whaleman: but before you don't like her,  read the book   or both
whaleman: they are both short
BetCbball: thats pretty cool
BetCbball: k...
whaleman: I bet i could send the ebook to your computer
BetCbball: you like her huh?
whaleman: i would more say i am undrstanding her
whaleman: she is a complex character with her good side and her bad side and with the meth as the driver of the bad side
BetCbball: so compassionate of you
whaleman: lol that's me so compassionate
BetCbball: you are actually
whaleman: you think so? 
BetCbball: very

The books referred to above are "Crank"  and "Glass" by Ellen Hopkins.  Find them on Amazon.

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